Affiliate Disclosure

Welcome to, a website dedicated to covering anime in various genres and providing recommendations to enhance the anime experience for fans. Our mission is to help you navigate the vast world of anime by offering insightful analysis, unbiased reviews, and valuable recommendations. We strive to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the anime landscape, ensuring you make informed decisions about the content you consume. To support our operations and continue delivering valuable content, we utilize affiliate links on our website.

What are affiliate links

Affiliate links are special URLs that track the traffic and sales generated from our website to our affiliate partners. When you click on these links and make a purchase, we earn a small commission. It’s important to note that this commission comes at no extra cost to you, the reader. These commissions play a crucial role in sustaining our website and enabling us to provide you with valuable anime-related content. By using affiliate links, we can continue to bring you the latest news, reviews, and recommendations on anime, while ensuring that our content remains free and accessible to all.

Affiliate Programs and Their Relevance

We carefully select our affiliate programs based on specific criteria such as the relevance of the products to our audience, the reputation of the affiliate program, and the value it offers to our readers. By partnering with reputable affiliate programs, we ensure that the products and services we recommend align with the interests and preferences of our audience. We only work with affiliate programs that share our commitment to quality and integrity, ensuring that our recommendations are based on the best interests of our audience.

Transparent Earnings Disclaimer

It’s essential to disclose that we earn a commission from purchases made through the affiliate links featured on our website. However, we want to emphasize that this commission does not impact the price you pay for any products or services. Our goal is to provide you with valuable recommendations while being transparent about our affiliate relationships. We believe that transparency is crucial in maintaining trust with our readers and ensuring that our content remains unbiased and honest.

Commitment to Honest Reviews

At, we are dedicated to providing unbiased and honest reviews of anime-related products and services. Our commitment to integrity ensures that our recommendations are based on quality, relevance, and the best interests of our audience. We understand that trust is the foundation of any successful online platform, and we strive to maintain this trust by providing honest and unbiased content. Maintaining this level of honesty and transparency is fundamental to our core values and the success of our website.

Privacy Considerations

When you interact with affiliate links on our website, rest assured that your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We have stringent measures in place to protect your personal information while using these links. For more details on how we handle user data, please refer to our comprehensive Privacy Policy. We take the privacy of our readers seriously and are committed to complying with all relevant privacy regulations. Our goal is to ensure that your experience on our website is safe, secure, and respectful of your privacy.

Invitation to Contact

We value open communication with our audience. If you have any questions, feedback, or concerns regarding our affiliate disclosure or any other aspect of our website, please feel free to reach out to us. You can contact us through our Contact Us Page. We are always here to help and are dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience on our website. Your feedback is important to us, and we encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas with us.

Clear Disclosure Location

To maintain transparency, our affiliate disclosure will be prominently displayed on each page where affiliate links are present. This ensures that you, our readers, can easily identify when a link is an affiliate link and understand our relationship with the products or services being recommended. We believe that transparency is crucial in maintaining trust with our readers and ensuring that our content remains unbiased and honest.

Consistent Tone and Language

In line with the tone of our website, our affiliate disclosure is crafted in clear, straightforward language. We aim to maintain a tone that reflects our commitment to providing valuable insights and recommendations to anime enthusiasts. Our goal is to ensure that our affiliate disclosure is consistent with the tone and language of the rest of our website, providing a seamless and trustworthy experience for our readers.

Adherence to Program and FTC Requirements

We adhere to the guidelines and requirements of all relevant affiliate programs, not just Amazon, and assure readers that we’re committed to meeting these requirements. Our dedication to transparency and integrity in affiliate marketing is evident in our adherence to these guidelines. We are committed to complying with all relevant regulations and guidelines, ensuring that our affiliate relationships are transparent and honest.