Top 20 Iconic Male Anime Characters with Long Black Hair

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Reviewed By
Rida Ajroudi
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The enigmatic charm of male anime characters with long black hair shapes some of the most fascinating stories in the anime universe.

This article serves as your definitive catalog, featuring a selection of characters who are not only visually striking but also bring depth and intrigue to their narratives. Expect to meet master strategists, misunderstood anti-heroes, and more – each with their own unique tales.

Key Takeaways

  • From vengeful titans to refined samurai, these 20 iconic male anime characters have distinct personalities and complex backgrounds that make them fan favorites.
  • Their unique abilities range from exceptional swordsmanship and supernatural powers to unmatched analytic skills and athletic prowess, reflecting the diversity of the anime world.
  • Many characters show nuanced development over time, grappling with themes of identity, morality, loyalty, and the essence of humanity.

1. Madara Uchiha: The Legendary Antagonist (Naruto)

Male Anime Characters with Long Black Hair

First on our list is none other than Madara Uchiha from the hit anime series Naruto, where the protagonist is Naruto Uzumaki. Known for his distinct spiky black hair and formidable powers, Madara is a force to be reckoned with. This legendary shinobi co-founded Konohagakure and devised a grandiose plan that shook Naruto’s world. His signature techniques include:

  • Susanoo, a giant ethereal warrior
  • Sharingan, a powerful eye technique
  • Rinnegan, an even more advanced eye technique
  • Proficiency in nature transformations

These abilities make Madara one of the most powerful characters in the Naruto universe.

However, Madara is far from a one-dimensional character. His notable characteristics include:

  • His relationship with Hashirama Senju is as complex as it is influential, with their rivalry and friendship forming a major part of the series’ narrative.
  • As the Ten-Tails’ jinchūriki, Madara’s physical transformation and powerful chakra further highlight his formidable presence.
  • His complex character and overwhelming power make him an iconic figure among many anime characters, setting a high bar for antagonists in the Naruto series and beyond.

2. Sebastian Michaelis: The Devilish Butler (Black Butler)

Next, let’s turn our attention to Sebastian Michaelis, the devilishly charming butler from the Black Butler series, who is among the most iconic black characters in anime. Here are some key features of his appearance:

  • Black hair
  • Pale skin
  • Crimson eyes, which change to a glowing fuchsia when he reveals his true demon form
  • Always impeccably dressed as a butler, wearing a black tailcoat and gloves
  • His black tailcoat and gloves hide the Faustian Contract mark that binds him to his master

Sebastian is the epitome of demonic elegance, and his appearance is as captivating as it is intimidating.

Despite his demonic nature, Sebastian is a complex character, displaying a range of advanced emotions from etiquette and calmness to sadistic tendencies. In addition, he is unusually interested in cats and other cute items, adding a playful twist to his character. Bound by a Faustian contract, he serves his master loyally, executing commands with precision and harboring obsessive-compulsive attention to detail and schedules.

However, his ultimate aim is to consume his master’s soul, a goal that is ironically thwarted when his master becomes a demon, forcing Sebastian to serve him indefinitely.

3. Hyakkimaru: The Cursed Warrior (Dororo)

Our journey continues with Hyakkimaru, the cursed warrior from the anime series Dororo. Born missing 48 body parts due to his father’s pact with demons, Hyakkimaru uses prosthetics crafted by the healer Jukai to function and battle. His quest to regain his lost body parts involves killing the demons from his father’s pact, with each defeated demon restoring a part of his body.

Hyakkimaru’s superhuman strength, speed, enhanced senses, and mastery of swords make him an exceptional warrior. In addition to his physical capabilities, his prosthetic legs spray caustic water, and he wields other tools like poison and explosives in his fight against demons. Throughout his revenge-fueled journey, he grapples with the risk of losing his very humanity. Hyakkimaru’s journey of self-discovery and redemption, as well as his unwavering determination to reclaim his body, make him a memorable character in the realm of anime.

4. Giyu Tomioka: The Stoic Demon Slayer (Demon Slayer)

Moving forward, let’s spotlight Giyu Tomioka, the stoic Water Pillar from the anime series, Demon Slayer. Giyu is characterized by his medium-length black hair tied in a low ponytail, which adds to his stoic image. His distinctive haori, combining a solid red pattern from his deceased sister and a geometric pattern from his friend Sabito, symbolizes personal loss and remembrance.

As the current Water Pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps, Giyu possesses the following abilities:

  • Wields the Breath of Water technique, exhibiting exceptional swordsmanship
  • Awakens his Demon Slayer Mark during the battle against Upper Moon Three Akaza, significantly boosting his abilities
  • Shows deep care for friends, especially when he defends Nezuko alongside Sakonji, recognizing the potential risks

Despite his seemingly detached exterior, Giyu’s combat prowess and dedication to his friends make him a formidable member of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Giyu’s stoic demeanor, formidable combat skills, and deep connections make him a standout character in the world of anime.

5. Jin: The Refined Samurai (Samurai Champloo)

Next up is Jin from the anime series Samurai Champloo. Known for his calm and composed demeanor, Jin provides a sense of refinement next to the more hot-headed characters in the series. His ornamental glasses, prayer beads, and the crest on his kimono suggest a connection to the historical Takeda clan.

Jin’s fighting style, Mujushin kenjutsu, is described as the purest and most ethereal art of the sword, and he wields it with precision and technical skill. His fighting prowess is not only rooted in his technique but also in his ability to effectively neutralize some of the most formidable foes in the series.

Despite his often reserved exterior, Jin is capable of experiencing deep emotions, such as sadness when parting with Fuu and Mugen or his connection with Shino, whom he promises to meet again. Jin’s refined demeanor, exceptional sword skills, and deep connections make him a memorable character in the world of anime.

6. Kurou Yatogami: The Charismatic Swordsman (K Project)

Our list continues with Kurou Yatogami from the anime series K Project. Here are some key characteristics of Kurou:

  • A tragic past marked by loss and abuse
  • Cold and taciturn personality
  • Fiercely loyal
  • Exceptional swordsmanship
  • Adherence to his mentor’s teachings

Kurou is also the adopted son and student of Ichigen Miwa, the late Colorless King, and he inherited the sword Kotowari.

Kurou cherishes his personal belongings, which include a voice recorder carrying quotes from Ichigen and a special cell phone doll, capturing his deep connection to his late master. While suggestions exist that Kurou might possess innate supernatural abilities as a Strain, it’s established that his prowess largely stems from his position as a clansman serving under Ichigen. Kurou’s charisma, exceptional sword skills, and deep connections make him a standout character in the realm of anime.

7. Eren Yeager: The Vengeful Titan (Attack on Titan)

Next, let’s talk about Eren Yeager from the hit anime series Attack on Titan. Eren commits himself to eradicate Titans after witnessing his mother being devoured, subsequently enlisting in the military and discovering his ability to transform into the formidable Attack Titan.

Eren’s Attack Titan form is marked by its:

  • muscular frame
  • long hair, specifically long black hair
  • pointed ears
  • dislocated jaw appearance

These features symbolize his rage and thirst for vengeance.

Throughout Attack on Titan, Eren Yeager evolves from a clear-cut hero into a character surrounded by moral ambiguity, with his eventual goal to wipe out most of humanity sparking intense discussion and debate among audiences. Eren’s transformation, vengeful nature, and moral ambiguity make him a memorable character in the world of anime.

8. Baji Keisuke: The Loyal Gang Member (Tokyo Revengers)

Next up is Baji Keisuke, one of the captivating anime boys from the anime series Tokyo Revengers. Baji’s characteristics include:

  • Loyalty to the Tokyo Manji Gang, was demonstrated when he was willing to be seen as a traitor and even sacrificed his life to prevent the gang from falling apart
  • Mature, responsible, and rational leadership as the 1st division captain
  • Strategic and level-headed demeanor, often consulting with Draken

A childhood friend of Mikey, and one of the original members of Toman, Baji Keisuke has enduring bonds within the gang and worked to reconcile the conflicted relationship between Mikey and Kazutora stemming from a tragic shared past. Baji’s loyalty, leadership skills, and strategic mindset make him a standout character in the world of anime.

9. Izumi Miyamura: The Unexpected Sweetheart (Horimiya)

Our journey continues with Izumi Miyamura from the anime series Horimiya. Izumi’s journey of self-discovery leads him from being an introverted character to one more confident and open, all while developing a deep and significant relationship with Kyouko Hori. Despite his challenging past and low self-esteem, Miyamura portrays a stark contrast between his dark, punk-like exterior with long, unruly hair and piercings, and his actual soft-spoken and gentle demeanor.

As Miyamura’s personality matures, his outward appearance changes noticeably by cutting his hair and no longer wearing glasses, symbolizing his inner growth and gradual shedding of his previous reticence. Miyamura’s development from being bullied in junior high to becoming a positive force in high school is shaped by his friendships and his evolving interests, such as his love for reading and talent for drawing.

Izumi Miyamura’s journey of self-discovery, complex personality, and deep connections make him a memorable character in the world of anime.

10. Xie Lian: The Compassionate Prince (Heaven’s Official Blessing)

Next on our list is Xie Lian from the anime series Heaven’s Official Blessing. Xie Lian is a compassionate prince who experienced both ascensions to and banishments from the Heavens before his final, third ascension 800 years later. Despite the adversities and witnessing the darkest facets of humanity and divinity, Xie Lian’s sense of justice and unwavering calm remained intact.

Xie Lian’s beauty was considered unparalleled in Xianle, with a physique likened to jade, complemented by his simple white Taoist robes and bamboo hat, a tribute to a considerate farmer he once met. Possessing an array of abilities, Xie Lian demonstrated remarkable physical prowess, agility, spiritual powers, and a keen sense of danger, alongside his resilient tolerance for pain. Xie Lian’s compassion, array of abilities, and unwavering calm make him a standout character in the world of anime.

11. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel: The Timeless Noble (Noblesse)

Next, let’s turn our attention to Cadis Etrama Di Raizel from the anime series Noblesse. Known as Rai, he is a noble from Lukedonia with the prestigious title of Noblesse, embodying his role as protector, judge, and executioner of other Nobles, and has a striking appearance characterized by scarlet-red eyes and jet-black hair. Despite his lazy, selfish, and occasionally greedy nature, Yato can demonstrate playful and sneaky behavior, and shows a more serious and mysterious side during his interactions, especially with characters like Nora.

Rai enrolls at Ye Ran High School, a place where students learn to become the best version of themselves, much like in hero academia. Donning a high school uniform to better understand the human world, he often finds himself comically struggling with modern technology. Despite his typically regal and unemotional demeanor, he shows subtle facial expressions hinting at intense feelings and exhibits a compassionate nature, often protecting those he cares about, including humans, even at the cost of his own health.

Cadis Etrama Di Raizel’s striking features, struggle with modern technology and deep care for his friends make him a standout character in the world of anime.

12. Suguru Geto: The Tragic Anti-Villain (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Next up is Suguru Geto from the anime series Jujutsu Kaisen, one of the notable black hair anime characters. Suguru’s distinctive long black hair is styled with a partial man bun, and his gold-colored kāṣāya over black yukata gives him the appearance of a Buddhist priest. The kind and dignified sorcerer Geto transformed into an anti-villain after the death of Riko Amanai and his involvement with the Star Religious Group, combined with a conversation with Yuki Tsukumo which reinforced his belief that non-sorcerers are the source of cursed energy and spurred his ambition to create a world just for sorcerers.

As one of four special-grade sorcerers, Geto was famed for his:

  • ability to manipulate thousands of curses
  • control and absorb cursed spirits using Cursed Spirit Manipulation
  • a special technique called ‘Uzumaki’
  • skillful wielding of the special grade cursed tool ‘Playful Cloud’

Despite his actions, Geto’s memory persists among his former peers and particularly with his ex-best friend Satoru Gojo, reflecting on their past bond and shared goal of becoming the strongest sorcerers.

Suguru Geto’s tragic past, exceptional combat skills, and complex relationships make him a memorable character in the world of anime.

13. Kenzo Tenma: The Good-Hearted Surgeon (Monster)

Next on our list is Kenzo Tenma from the anime series Monster. Known for his compassionate nature, Kenzo is a top brain surgeon at Eisler Memorial Hospital in Dusseldorf, Germany. He values all human lives equally, a belief that often puts him at odds with the hospital director and his daughter.

Despite choosing to operate on an orphan over the mayor, Kenzo’s commitment to the belief that all lives have equal value defines his character, even when faced with moral dilemmas that test his idealism and compassion. The boy that Tenma saved, Johan Liebert, grows up to be a serial killer, leading to Tenma becoming a suspect in the murders and being pursued by the police. As one of the main characters, Tenma’s journey throughout the story is filled with challenges and difficult decisions.

Kenzo Tenma’s value for all lives and his moral dilemmas make him a memorable character in the world of anime.

14. Shinpei Ajiro: The Caring Friend (Summer Time Rendering)

Moving forward, let’s spotlight Shinpei Ajiro from the anime series Summer Time Rendering. Shinpei is a caring friend who returns to his hometown for the funeral of Ushio Kofune, a childhood friend with whom he shares a deep connection. After being orphaned, Shinpei was taken in by the Kofune family, forging a strong sense of family with Ushio and her sister Mio.

The death of Ushio Kofune affects Shinpei deeply, showing the profound impact she had on his life and their relationship that transcends mere friendship. Shinpei’s dedication to discovering the truth behind Ushio’s death and his commitment to protect Mio from harm underscore his nurturing and protective nature.

Shinpei Ajiro, the main protagonist and one of the male anime characters, with his caring nature, the quest to uncover the truth, and protective nature, makes him a standout character in the world of anime, capturing the hearts of anime fans.

15. Tetsurou Kuroo: The Cunning Strategist (Haikyuu!!)

Our journey continues with Tetsurou Kuroo from the anime series Haikyuu!!. Kuroo combines cool-headedness with a mischievous nature, making him a provocation expert and a scheming strategist on the volleyball court. Kuroo is renowned for his:

  • Blocking prowess
  • Mastering the personal time difference attack
  • Ambidextrous spiking ability
  • Powerful jump serve that destabilizes opponents

His deep connection with his setter Kenma Kozume since childhood, close friendship with his team, and roles as mentor and respected peer signify his influential status in the volleyball community. Tetsurou Kuroo’s cunning strategy, his cool-headedness, and his blocking prowess make him a standout character in the world of anime.

16. Houtarou Oreki: The Reluctant Detective (Hyouka)

Next, let’s turn our attention to Houtarou Oreki from the anime series Hyouka. Houtarou is a reluctant detective who prefers to minimize effort, yet he possesses a keen intellect and problem-solving skills. Despite his average grades, Oreki’s exceptional analytical skills shine through in his ability to unravel complex puzzles and solve intriguing mysteries.

Eru Chitanda’s influence prompts Oreki to adopt a more proactive stance on occasion, and his romantic inclinations towards her become increasingly evident. Houtarou Oreki’s reluctance to put in effort, his keen intellect, and his problem-solving skills make him a standout character in the world of anime.

17. Rin Okumura: The Half-Demon Prodigy (Blue Exorcist)

Our list continues with Rin Okumura from the anime series Blue Exorcist. Rin is a half-demon prodigy who faces isolation due to his unnatural strength and temper, eventually learning to control his powers. Despite his demonic lineage, Rin exhibits a soft and emotional side, especially when Yukio shows signs of instability, yet Rin’s own aggression occasionally surfaces, tying back to his demon origins.

Rin strives to establish his identity beyond being the son of Satan, seeking to become the best exorcist and prove his worth. His enhanced strength surpasses normal human capabilities and his abilities range from spectral awareness, and high-speed regeneration, to intimidating in his Demon Form. Rin Okumura’s half-demon nature, his struggles with isolation, and his quest to control his powers make him a standout character in the world of anime.

18. Yato: The Struggling God (Noragami)

Next up is Yato from the anime series Noragami. Yato is a minor deity with long black hair and striking blue eyes, who seeks worship and charges a traditional 5 yen offering for his delivery god services to gain followers. Despite his lazy, selfish, and occasionally greedy nature, Yato can demonstrate playful and sneaky behavior, and shows a more serious and mysterious side during his interactions, especially with characters like Nora.

Yato’s supernatural capabilities include:

  • ‘Rend’, which allows him to exorcise Ayakashis
  • Masterful swordsmanship
  • ‘Severance’ to cut ties
  • The ability to teleport and possess others

Yato’s struggle as a minor deity, his delivery of god services, and his playful nature make him a standout character in the world of anime.

19. Kageyama Tobio: The Genius Setter (Haikyuu!!)

Our journey continues with Kageyama Tobio, a first-year student at Karasuno High School and the starting setter for the boys’ volleyball team. With a considerable height and sharp glare, Kageyama’s physical features enhance his intense and intimidating on-court presence. Originally known as the ‘King of the Court’ for his oppressive behavior, Kageyama undergoes character growth, learning the value of teamwork and mutual trust.

Kageyama’s characteristics that make him a standout character in the world of anime include:

  • His long black hair and intense gaze, often accentuated by shadows over his eyes during matches, symbolize his serious demeanor and steadfast dedication to volleyball.
  • His cool-headedness and intimidating presence on the court.
  • His development in valuing teamwork.

These traits contribute to Kageyama Tobio’s status as a memorable and compelling character.

20. Vegeta: The Proud Saiyan Prince (Dragon Ball)

Wrapping up our list is Vegeta, the prince of the fallen Saiyan race from the anime series Dragon Ball. Vegeta becomes an ally to Goku, undergoing significant development, and becoming a protective husband and father. Throughout the series, Vegeta’s appearance evolves to become taller and more muscular with sharper features, and he is often seen wearing customized traditional Saiyan armor.

Vegeta’s relationships, especially the deep love and respect for Bulma and the complex, evolving dynamic with Goku, from rivalry to begrudging friendship, play a significant role in his character arc. Vegeta’s transition from antagonist to anti-hero, his physical features, and his complex relationships make him a standout character in the world of anime.


In conclusion, each of these anime characters with long black hair brings something unique to their respective series. Whether they’re grappling with moral dilemmas, exploring self-discovery, or showcasing exceptional combat skills, these characters captivate us with their distinct personalities and compelling story arcs. They remind us of the depth and complexity that can be found in the world of anime, leaving a lasting impression on audiences worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the most powerful character among those listed?

It’s difficult to determine who the most powerful character is among those listed, as each character possesses unique strengths and abilities. The definition of “powerful” can vary, whether it’s physical strength, intelligence, or emotional resilience. So, it’s subjective and depends on your perspective.

Are all these anime characters protagonists?

No, not all of them are protagonists. Some of them are antagonists or secondary characters, but they all play significant roles in their respective series.

Do any of these characters undergo significant transformations throughout their series?

Yes, many characters undergo significant transformations, both physically and emotionally, throughout their series. For example, Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan evolves from a clear-cut hero into a morally ambiguous character.

Which one of these characters is the most popular among fans?

It’s hard to determine the most popular character among fans, but those from widely-known series like Naruto, Dragon Ball, and Attack on Titan likely have a bigger fanbase. Keep in mind that popularity can vary among personal preferences.

Who is the oldest character among those listed?

Cadis Etrama Di Raizel from Noblesse is the oldest character among those listed, known as a timeless noble in his series. Vegeta from Dragon Ball is the oldest in terms of introduction to audiences.

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